Things to remember before publishing your first book

So, you've written a book or have almost finished writing one? That's awesome! But before you start the process of finding an agent or publisher, there are some things you should know. Here are tips on what to do (and not do) when shopping for your book around.

How do I get started?

As a first-time author, getting your book published can be a daunting task. But don't worry, we're here to help! Here are a few things to know before you start the publishing process:

1. Know your audience - It's important to know who you're writing for before you start the publishing process. This will help you determine what type of book to write and how to market it once it's published. If you have written a book already, ensure you know the audience the book is going to be catered to. 

2. Do your research - There are a lot of moving parts to the publishing process, so it's important to do your research and understand all the steps involved. This will help ensure that your book is published correctly and reaches its intended audience.

3. Choose the right publisher - Once you've done your research and know what type of book you're writing, it's time to choose a publisher. Make sure you select a reputable publisher who has experience with your specific genre or type of book.

4. Follow the submission guidelines - Each publisher has its own set of guidelines for submitting manuscripts, so make sure you follow them to the letter. Failure to do so could result in your manuscript being rejected outright.

5. Be patient - The publishing process can take some time.

The next steps

1. Find a literary agent. This is someone who will help represent you and your book to publishers.

2. Write a query letter. This is a brief letter that should introduce you and your book to potential agents or publishers.

3. Submit your manuscript. Once you have found an agent or publisher interested in your book, they will ask for a full manuscript.

4. Edit and revise your book. After you have submitted your manuscript, it will likely need to be edited and revised before it is published.

5. Publish your book! Once your book has been edited and revised, it is ready to be published!

It is imperative that you understand that a best seller is not created overnight. Every time you see a book top the best-seller chart in the first week it is published, understand that it took many people, many resources, and many months of work to put it there. It takes traditional publishers so long to get from acquisition to publication because they are setting the stage for the release: writing the marketing & publicity material for the sales reps to use with the buyers, mailing out media review copies, securing interviews and reviews, putting together the advertising creative, and more.

Most importantly, please bear in mind that not everybody will like your book. You might think your book will only find it’s way into the hands of readers who will think it’s life-changing, but sooner or later someone will not like your book. No book is for everyone, and the most important thing to realize about a negative review is that it’s just one person’s opinion. Respect personal preferences, and avoid trying to change someone’s opinion about your book.

Good luck!


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